Rivers Are Life

Rivers are Life + EcoActUS

Rivers are Life and EcoActUS are proud to team up to share resources and inspire advocates from a variety of backgrounds to care for our rivers. As part of this Project, Rivers are Life is granting EcoActUS rights to use the film “Voices from the Water” at no charge as part of EcoActUS’ Climate Bootcamp. The Climate Bootcamp is a sustainability leader workshop that is self-paced and offers great networking opportunities.

Participants learn strategies to formulate plans and enable sustainability efforts within their own organizations through the course and an eWORKBOOK with over 140 curated links to relevant resources. As part of the curriculum, Rivers are Life’s film, “Voices from the Water,” will serve as an engaging and educational asset to raise awareness about our rivers’ health and the sustainability practices needed to protect them.

Shared Goals

Through this mutually beneficial partnership, Rivers are Life and EcoActUs are making progress toward individual and shared goals:

  • EcoActUS will use the film to motivate future and existing climate leaders by giving them the skills and network needed to make meaningful change.
  • Rivers are Life hopes to raise awareness of the true force and fragility of our river systems while showcasing their interconnectedness with all of us, our planet’s wildlife, and the ocean waste problem. 
  • Together, this partnership will foster the sharing of resources.

By sharing “Voices from the Water” and including it in the Climate Bootcamp workshop, both Rivers are Life and EcoActUS will inspire even more people to take action toward a more sustainable future.

About EcoActUS

EcoActUS, or Ecology Action for Us, provides educational content developed by Climate Reality Project and Harvard Alumni for Climate and the Environment. Their lessons, which include tailored tracks for the transportation, building, and agriculture industries, focus on how individuals can lead the conversion of our society to sustainability.

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