The Conservation Kid
Educational Resources

Rivers are Life is proud to unveil a series of free educational assets to help teachers and students connect with the film, The Conservation Kid, and explore local efforts to rid waterways of litter and pollution.
The Conservation Kid documentary by Rivers are Life premiered in May 2023. It features Cash Daniels, an award-winning 14-year-old conservationist whose love of ocean wildlife is leading to massive change in the Tennessee River and beyond.
After discovering 80% of ocean pollution originates from inland sources, Cash started leading local cleanups and creating filament bins to collect fishing waste. His work led to the creation of The Cleanup Kids, a nonprofit started by his long time friend Ella and the return of several native bird populations to the river’s edge.
The Conservation Kid has been shown at a number of events and festivals, including Midland River Days, Fresh Coast Film Festival, and Lookout Wild Film Festival, where organizers were so inspired by his work, they awarded him $1 from every festival ticket sold, resulting in $446 given to Cash’s organization.
The film shares Cash’s story through his own perspective, demonstrating that young people can be powerful changemakers. It also focuses on the threats facing the Tennessee River, and the significance of all ages feeling empowered within the environmental movement.

Everyone, including kids need to know why our rivers are so important. You won’t protect something you don’t love and you won’t love something you know nothing about. The more people who know the importance of our freshwater, the better.

Cash Daniels
Grades 3-5
- Teacher Guide
- Lesson Plan and Presentation
- Video Questions
- Single-Use Plastics Activity
Grades 6-8
- Teacher Guide
- Lesson Plan and Presentation
- Video Questions
- Water Pollution and Plants Experiment (Day One)
- Water Pollution and Plants Experiment (Day Two)
Grades 9-12
- Teacher Guide
- Video Questions
- Microplastics Activity