Our Commitment to Sustainability
We remain committed to establishing a platform that cultivates a human connection with rivers around the world. Our aim is to empower individuals, local organizations, and businesses to take action in support of river ecosystems globally.
With this mission in mind, we understand the importance of being a transparent and credible brand committed to its own excellence. We have begun outlining the following Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) commitments, each in line with one or more of the United Nation’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Uplifting Waterways
Rivers are Life is guided by a singular goal — to support those supporting our planet’s rivers. By amplifying the efforts of River Heroes to improve the quality of our planet’s waterways, it is important to our organization and supporters to ensure that our work is, in fact, effective and helpful. As we continue to grow and assess our impact, we will define key metrics to better understand how our work impacts River Heroes and the waterways they serve.

Carbon Footprint
We will develop a process to evaluate the impact of our carbon footprint of our operations and activities. Our team currently operates remotely so our primary impact on climate is through our travel and our vendors’ travel.
- In 2023-24, we will develop a methodology to measure our own travel impacts and will offset carbon emissions from that travel.
- We will also develop a methodology to track the carbon footprint of travel from our filming partners.
- In 2024-25, we will develop a methodology to track and report our Scope 1 and 2 emissions.
Whenever possible, we will eliminate single-use plastics, including straws and bottles in any meetings hosted by Rivers are Life.
Creating a Diverse, Equitable & Inclusive Culture
As we expand our organization and become a standalone entity, we will establish a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. In 2023-24, we will adopt a DE&I policy consistent with these principles.
Fair Wages and Employment Practices
We will adopt a fair wage and employment practices policy for our organization.
Ethical Expectations for Vendors & Partners
We will prioritize working with contractors who also adhere to and implement fair wages and anti-discriminatory employment practices.
Transparency in Governance
We aim for our funding to be distributed in a transparent and responsible manner, with the hope that our support and Projects benefit an inclusive cross-section of diverse, equitable communities, accessible for those who need them.