Education & Awareness
October 2024 | EcoActUS Climate Bootcamp
2 Films
shared as a educational resources to sustainability leaders
5 River Heroes
highlighted in a collaborative, educational resource
sustainability leadership workshop for climate leaders to learn, strategize, and network
Rivers are Life granted EcoActUs rights to use the films Voices from the Water and Keepers of the North at no charge as part of EcoActUs’ Climate Bootcamp. The Climate Bootcamp is a sustainability leader workshop that is self-paced and offers great networking opportunities. Participants learn strategies to formulate plans and enable sustainability efforts within their own organizations through relevant resources. As part of the curriculum, Voices from the Water serves as an engaging and educational asset to raise awareness about our rivers’ health and the sustainability practices needed to protect them. Keepers of the North amplifies the plastic pollution problem we're facing and highlights solutions for the Water Systems track of the course.
Through this collaborative partnership, Rivers are Life and EcoActUS are working towards their individual and shared goals. EcoActUS aims to empower future and current climate leaders, providing them with the necessary skills and network to drive impactful change. By incorporating the thought-provoking film Voices from the Water into their esteemed Climate Bootcamp initiative, EcoActUS seeks to inspire participants and ignite their passion for sustainability. Simultaneously, Rivers are Life aims to raise awareness about the intrinsic value and vulnerability of our river systems, while highlighting their interconnectedness with humanity, wildlife, and the global issue of ocean waste. This partnership facilitates the sharing of resources and knowledge. By sharing educational resources and integrating it into the Climate Bootcamp workshop, both Rivers are Life and EcoActUS aspire to empower even more individuals to take meaningful action towards creating a more sustainable future.
EcoActUS, or Ecology Action for Us, provides educational content developed by Climate Reality Project and Harvard Alumni for Climate and the Environment. Their lessons, which include tailored tracks for the transportation, building, and agriculture industries, focus on how individuals can lead the conversion of our society to sustainability.
"We have incorporated the Keepers of the North video into the Water Systems track and know that it was well received by our global audience as plastic pollution is a global challenge. We love having this partnership with Rivers Are Life and are grateful for their support and collaboration. We love having this partnership with Rivers Are Life and are grateful for their support and collaboration.”
Scott Graham
EcoActUs Climate Boot Camp COO & Course Facilitator
CRDC Global Member of the Senior Leadership Team