“If we want to change the culture, we need to be working with who the culture is going to be.” 

Fighting for the Fox River

The Friends of the Fox River is dedicated to protecting the river, its watershed, and all living organisms affected by it. Through their work, the preservation of the locally beloved river has become a multi-generational campaign centered around hands-on education.

In 1999, the Fox River of Illinois was declared the seventh most polluted river in the United States; but thanks to the community efforts of the water quality nonprofit Friends of the Fox River, it now has a voice to advocate for its health and safety. “Watershed Warriors” is a film about the leaders who have loved the Fox River their entire lives, and their work to improve the watershed and secure its future through community education.

A Community Who Cares

Friends of the Fox River combines their on-site conservation work with educational events to get students in the stream. These initiatives connect students with the natural world and teach the importance of conserving clean water. The organization is giving students a personal experience that improves their relationship with the natural environment and fosters a lasting love and care for the river.

A Closer Look at the Fox River

The Fox River of Illinois is 223 miles long. Its watershed extends 2,658 square miles from Colgate, Wisconsin to Ottawa, Illinois, and includes 1.2 million people. It currently has fifteen dams and is home to fauna including American white pelicans and bald eagles. 

Project in Progress

Rivers are Life is committed to making a meaningful difference toward a world where our waterways are valued and protected. We’ll be sharing updates on our project with Friends of the Fox River soon.

Trash Volunteer


reached annually with water quality monitoring and stewardship activities

Chile Plant


planted along the Fox River to enhance the river habitat

Water Drops Kenai


trained to monitor water quality in the Fox River watershed

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