Articles - Rivers are Life

Dommel Dinner Offers Opportunity to Share Nourishment and Nature

Written by Rivers are Life Team | May 13, 2024

A Dommel Dinner is an opportunity to gather with those around you in celebration and curiosity of the environment we share. Every individual has a different impression of the natural scenes surrounding them. By sharing those perspectives over a meal or experience, we can collectively shape our value of nature, and therefore its future.

Host your own Dommel Dinner by following these tips:

1. Shop sustainably.
a. Gather local and preferably organic ingredients, which often use less water than those grown far away. You can support your local ecosystem and those working to keep it healthy by shopping at farmers markets and learning about growing practices near you.

2. Get outside, get inspired.
a. Invite your guests to prepare for your Dommel Dinner by taking some time to reflect in the great outdoors. Take a walk, take a seat, and take it in. Remember what you see and how it makes you feel.

3. Dine and discuss.
a. Questions for the table could include:

i. What did you see? What did you smell? What did you hear?

ii. How does the environment make you feel?

iii. How does the environment around you influence your daily life?

iv. What do your natural surroundings say about your community’s history?

v. What do your natural surroundings say about your community’s future?

vi. What actions could you take to enrich your environment?

The idea of a Dommel Dinner was inspired by the River Heroes featuring in the film, “Portrait of a River,” which chronicles the efforts to protect wetlands damaged by the human activity and climate change in the Netherlands. To learn more about and support their efforts, visit 

Click here to learn more about and support their efforts.